Israel Dec 2019

The beginnings of our Dec 2019 Israel trip with Arie Bar David!

From here we began an in depth biblical tour on the Foot Steps of David and the Parables of Jesus! From The Ellas Valley where David fought Goliath  to ….

to… Jesus feeding the 5,000

What an experience it was to see and feel places of the bible!  I’m still on day one of the 60 hours of recorded video I took of our 9 day trip! The purpose for this trip was not for my experience only, but also to bring the experience to Soldiers here at Ft Hood. It’s very difficult to interpret the bible or to study it without the understanding of the holy lands and the cultures of the times. Having gone to Israel 3 times now, allows me to bring such a light here to the states. I hope you enjoy just two of the 100 or so videos I took! And for those who support by prayer and/or  giving…THANK YOU! You helped make this trip possible and brought us home safely.

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