I need prayers too friends! Below are prayer requests for myself personally and also Ft. Hood.
Fort Hood
Long Term
Fort Hood has one of the highest suicide and sexual assault rates. Please pray for God to lift the darkness from these Soldiers hearts and for the ministry to be used by God to intervene.
Please pray for God to call forth Soldiers that are willing to leverage their lives for God’s kingdom and to become leaders and labors at Fort Hood and in the nations they are deployed to.
To create a transformative community built on Jesus’ teachings, and to help the world do the same through spirit enabled design empowered disciple making.
Long Term
I long for an abiding spirit in Jesus. I struggle with doing things from my own energy and/or out of the woundings of my past. So Please pray for an abiding spirit
I have a very analytical mind, but also a very relational heart. I can over think my relationship with God and feel I’m not right with Him or that He doesn’t even exist. But I go back to what I know despite what I feel or think. Prov 3:5-6 is a go-to passage and never gets old. Please pray this passage for my heart and mind.
Please pray for Jesus’ gospel to be progressively transformative every day in and through my heart.
I’ve been told I “try too hard.” 🙂 This is rather vague, but prayers to not try so hard in ministry and in my faith in general.
I’ve had several shames of mine that I realized last year I’ve been trying to change for a long time. I’ve learned that I can’t change them. Only God can. Please pray for God to do so.
Fort Hood
Short Term
We are looking for a new place to hold our outreach bible study. Please pray for a location that best serves Fort Hood single Soldiers, families, and kids.
For a healthy relationship with the Fort Hood Chaplains.
Short Term
I am currently locking in on a home. Please pray that if God does not want me to have this home, that He’d make it evident in the process of closing.
For a key guy willing to labor along side here at Fort Hood
For wisdom in being a servant-leader to women’s ministry and for these Soldiers to be rescued by Jesus’ love.